HR, Payroll and Benefits News

COBRA Premium Assistance Program Extended
April 22, 2010

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), includes provisions that provide COBRA premium assistance to employees who are involuntarily terminated from employment who continue health insurance and other related medical benefits through COBRA provisions. On April 15, 2010, ARRA was amended for a third time by the Continuing Extension Act of 2010. Prior to this amendment, only employees who involuntarily terminated employment at any point from September 1, 2008 through March 31, 2010 were eligible to apply for COBRA premium assistance. This recent amendment expanded eligibility to include anyone who involuntarily terminates employment through May 31, 2010.

If eligible for COBRA premium assistance, the University of Wisconsin will pay up to 65% of the COBRA premium for health insurance and other medical-related insurance premiums for up to 15 months of COBRA coverage.

UW employees who carry health insurance or any other medical related benefits who terminate employment through May 31, 2010, will be sent a COBRA notice and packet of information describing how to apply for COBRA premium assistance from their staff benefits office.

For more information:
UWSA COBRA Premium Assistance Page
Department of Labor COBRA Premium Assistance Page

Source: UW System Administration
Categories: WI Retirement System (WRS), Insurance, Retirement