HR, Payroll and Benefits News

ETF Extends Deadline to Remove Health Insurance Adult Child Dependents Age 19-26
February 26, 2010

The Department of Employee Trust Funds (ETF) is extending the deadline for State Group Health Insurance subscribers to delete adult child dependents age 19-26. This opportunity is only available if a subscriber wishes to delete a dependent age 19-26, not add a dependent. This is not an opportunity to remove a domestic partner.

The deadline was extended to assist subscribers who currently cover a non-tax dependent age 19-26 on their health insurance, but may want to remove the dependent due to the imputed income tax liability. A subscriber can also delete a tax dependent age 19-26 from their plan during this extension period.

The subscriber must submit a completed Health Insurance Application/Change Form, ET-2301 to their employer to delete an adult child dependent age 19-26. The application must be received by the employee's benefits office on or before March 15, 2010. The coverage end date will be the end of the month following receipt of the application. For applications received in February 2010, the coverage end date for the adult child dependent will be February 28, 2010. For applications received between March 1 and March 15, 2010, the coverage end date is March 31, 2010. There will be no retroactive deletions for these dependents.

COBRA is not available for dependents that are voluntarily cancelled.

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Related Links:

Imputed Income and Health Insurance Benefits
ETF - Benefit Eligibility for Adult Children up to Age 27 [Note: broken link removed.]

Source: Employee Trust Funds (ETF)
Categories: Insurance