HR, Payroll and Benefits News

HDHP/HSA: New Type of Health Insurance Offered for 2015
September 5, 2014

The Annual Benefit Enrollment (ABE) period begins October 6 and ends on October 31, 2014 for participating plans.  

The big news for 2015 is that a new type of health insurance plan will be available as an option for most employees who participate in the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS). The new plan is a high deductible health plan (HDHP) with a health savings account (HSA). The HDHP/HSA will be offered in addition to the current type of health plans. 

You are NOT required to enroll in a HDHP/HSA – it will just be an option available to you. 

Eligibility Basics

The new HDHP/HSA option is available to employees who:

Employees who are eligible for the graduate assistant/short term academic staff benefits package are not in the WRS and are not eligible to enroll in the HDHP/HSA option.

High-Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) Basics

Health Savings Account (HSA) Basics

The ABE website ( will be available in early October where you will find more information about the HDHP/HSA option, such as the employee premium cost of the HDHP, how much the employer will contribute to the HSA and how to determine if an HDHP/HSA is a good option for you and your family.

Source: UW System Administration
Categories: Insurance