HR, Payroll and Benefits News

Annual Benefit Enrollment Period October 6 - 31, 2014
October 7, 2014

This is the time of the year to evaluate your benefits, review upcoming program changes and determine your benefit needs for 2015. All changes made during this period will be effective January 1, 2015.

UW-Madison Annual Benefit Enrollment Website

Detailed information, brochures and applications are available on the UW-Madison Benefit Enrollment website:

Benefit Changes Allowed During the Annual Benefit Enrollment Period

This chart outlines the benefit election/changes allowed during this year's Annual Benefit Enrollment period:

PlanOpen EnrollmentChange PlanAdd DependentsRemove DependentsCancel Coverage
State Group Health Yes Any Health Plan Yes Yes Yes
EPIC Benefits+ Yes Add/remove vision Yes Yes Yes
Dental Wisconsin Yes PPO <--> Select Yes Yes Yes
VSP Vision Yes N/A Yes Yes Yes
Individual & Family Life Insurance No Increase current coverage No Any time Any time

New High Deductible Health Plans Available for 2015

Each health plan will now offer a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) in addition to the Coinsurance Uniform Benefits plans (current health plans). The HDHP will begin to pay for covered medical, dental and prescription drugs once the annual deductible has been met. In exchange for the higher out-of-pocket costs, the monthly premiums for the HDHPs are lower. If you enroll in the State-offered HDHP, you will also be required to enroll in the State-offered Health Savings Account (HSA).

Only employees eligible for the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) are eligible to enroll in the High Deductible Health Plans. See the enrollment website,, for all HDHP eligibility requirements.

How do I know if I need to do anything during the Annual Benefit Enrollment Period?

You must re-enroll in Flexible Spending every year. With the exception of your FSA, if you do nothing, your existing benefits will continue in 2015. Exception: If you are currently enrolled in WPS Metro Choice, you must select a new health plan because WPS Metro Choice Northwest and Southeast will not be offered in 2015.

Health plans may make changes to their provider network so you should confirm that the doctors, clinics and hospitals you use will still be available in 2015. You will receive a mailing from your current health plan with 2015 provider information.

How to enroll

See the website,, for more information.


Don't miss your chance to enroll in or make changes to your benefits for 2015! Remember, this period is typically the only time during the year when you are eligible to make benefit plan changes unless you have a life event (marriage, birth, divorce...) that allows you to add or change benefits. All benefit elections must be submitted by 4:30 p.m., Friday, October 31, 2014.

Source: UW System Administration
Categories: Annual Benefits Enrollment (ABE)