HR, Payroll and Benefits News

2016 Insurance Premiums and WRS Contribution Rates
January 8, 2016

Benefit changes made during the Annual Benefits Enrollment period and premiums for 2016 coverage were reflected on the pay check dated December 23, 2015 for University Staff (paid bi-weekly) and January 4, 2016 for Faculty/Academic Staff/Limited Appointees (FA/AS/LI) (paid monthly).

How to Check Your 2016 Benefit Enrollments

Your Benefits Summary is available online. Log in to the My UW System portal and click on the "View Benefits Summary Detail" link in the Benefit Information module to see your Benefits Summary. On the Benefits Summary page, enter "01/01/2016" in the date field above the summary and click "Go" to see your 2016 elections.

2016 Health, Dental and Pharmacy Plan Cards

Flexible Spending Account (FSA) and Health Savings Account (HSA)

If you enrolled in either the FSA or HSA programs for 2016, the first deduction for 2016 elections was taken on the January 4, 2016 pay check for FA/AS/LI, and the January 7, 2016 pay check for University Staff. For important 2016 information regarding FSA and HSA read Important Flexible Spending (FSA) & Health Savings Accounts (HSA) News for 2016.

New TASC cards were sent to all participants. This card should be used for all expenses in 2016. New cards will have the TASC and ETF logos.

Old TASC cards have been deactivated. If there is MyCash remaining on your 2015 FSA card, the MyCash portion of the card will still work. In 2016, the MyCash feature will no longer be available. Reimbursements will be provided based on the reimbursement method you have selected. You may update this method in your MyTASC account online.

If participants have any 2015 FSA unsubstantiated claims, their 2016 card may be temporarily suspended. Cards will become active once claims are substantiated.

Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) Contributions

The Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) employee contribution rate for 2016 will decrease from 6.8% to 6.60% for all employees (except Protectives with Social Security, for whom the contribution will remain at 7.70%). This decrease occurred on the January 4, 2016 pay check for FA/AS/LI, and the January 7, 2016 pay check for University Staff.

Source: UW Service Center
Categories: Insurance, WI Retirement System (WRS)