Health Plan Changes for 2018
October 31, 2017
The following health plan changes to the 2018 State Group Health Insurance program were approved by the Group Insurance Board on August 30, 2017.
The following health plans have elected not to participate in the program in 2018:
Other Plan Changes
Network Health Northeast and Network Health Southeast will combine into Network Health to offer one coverage area. Participants were auto-enrolled in the new combined plan, Network Health, unless they took the option of selecting a different plan during the Annual Benefit Enrollment (ABE) period that ended Friday, October 27.
Gundersen Health Plan, Physicians Plus and Unity Health Insurance will be offered under the name Quartz. Participants of these plans were auto-enrolled in either Quartz-Community or Quartz-UW Health, unless they took the option of selecting a different plan during ABE.
WEA Trust will replace WPS as the new administrator of the Access Plan and the State Maintenance Plan (SMP) for 2018.
SMP will only be available in Florence county. SMP is not available in Bayfield, Buffalo, Forest, Iron, Marquette, Menominee and Pepin counties.
If you are currently enrolled in the SMP, and you live OUTSIDE of Florence county, you should have re-enroll in the SMP or selected a new health plan during ABE. If you are currently enrolled in the SMP, and you live IN Florence county you will continue to be enrolled in this plan unless you selected a new health plan during ABE.
The Group Insurance Board approved the following health plan carriers to be available in 2018.
Health Plan and High Deductible Health Plan:
Access Plan, Access High Deductible Health Plan and State Maintenance Plan (SMP):
If you have questions, please contact your human resources office.
Source: UW System Human Resources
Categories: Insurance