Look and Feel Changes Coming to Self Service on Monday, November 6
October 30, 2017
Starting on Monday, November 6, you will notice that a few of the Self Service features you access through the MyUW portal will look a little different. Specifically, if you are looking to change your personal information or to review information about the benefits you are enrolled in, the display of those web pages will be changing. The new ‘look and feel’ is intended to be simpler, less cluttered, and to play nicer with your smart phone or other mobile device.
The pages themselves will still work the same. You’ll still be able to update your Home Address, your Emergency Contacts, or your Marital Status. You’ll still be able to review your benefit enrollment information. But with the new page design, it should be a little easier to do it when you’re on the go.
Source: UW Service Center
Categories: Personal Information