HR, Payroll and Benefits News

Well Wisconsin Program Incentive Updates
January 24, 2018

Employees and spouses currently enrolled in the State Group Health Insurance plan are eligible for an annual $150 wellness incentive (administered by StayWell). Below are updates to the 2018 Well Wisconsin program as well as an update on previously communicated changes to the 2019 program.

2018: In addition to completing the health screening and health assessment, a Well Wisconsin Well-Being activity will also be required in 2018 to earn the $150 wellness incentive. A few examples of well-being activities are: Million Steps Challenge, 21 Day Meditation Experience and Self-Directed Coaching. More information about the Well Wisconsin Well-Being activities is available on the StayWell website. To earn the 2018 incentive, one Well Wisconsin Well-Being activity, the health screening and health assessment must be completed and submitted to StayWell by October 19, 2018.

2019: Changes to the wellness incentive structure were considered in 2017. One consideration was to provide a premium differential instead of the current wellness incentive $150 gift card. It has been decided that a change to a premium differential will not take place for 2019. This option will continue to be explored by the Department of Employee Trust Funds (ETF).

For additional information on the Well Wisconsin program and how to receive your $150 incentive in 2018, visit or contact the StayWell HelpLine at 800-821-6591. Throughout 2018, StayWell will send emails and home mailers to employees with information about the program.

Source: UW System Human Resources
Categories: Insurance