HR, Payroll and Benefits News

Tax Law Changes for Parking Fees, Vanpool, and Bus Passes
May 18, 2018

Due to tax liability implications of the Tax Cuts and Job Act passed by the Federal Government effective January 1, 2018, the UW System will need to change pre-tax payroll deductions for parking, vanpool, and bus passes. Starting with payrolls dated on or after June 1, 2018, these fees will be deducted on a post-tax basis for UW System employees.

Because of the federal tax law changes, UW employees will not be able to create Parking and Transit accounts, as administered by TASC. If you have an existing Parking and Transit account, funds cannot be added for payrolls dated on or after June 1, 2018. Any funds withheld prior to June 1 are still available to be used for parking and transit purposes until exhausted, or until you become ineligible for the plan(s).

The changes to the Parking & Transit accounts administered by TASC do not affect any other plans administered by TASC (i.e. Flexible Spending accounts and Health Savings accounts).

If you have additional questions, please contact your human resources office.

Source: UW Service Center
Categories: Tax