HR, Payroll and Benefits News

Well Wisconsin Program 2019 Updates
January 30, 2019

Employees and spouses currently enrolled in the State Group Health Insurance Program are eligible for an annual $150 wellness incentive (administered by StayWell). A Well Wisconsin webinar highlighting features of the 2019 program will be offered on Wednesday, February 13 from 12-12:30 pm. To register, visit

To earn the $150 incentive, participants are required to complete three activities by October 11, 2019:

  1. Submit 2019 health screening results.
  2. Take the StayWell health assessment.
  3. Complete a StayWell well-being activity.

There are two new well-being activities being offered in 2019:

For more information about the Well Wisconsin program, scheduling a health screening, taking the health assessment, well-being activities and the StayWell mobile app, visit, or contact the StayWell HelpLine at 800-821-6591.

Throughout 2019, StayWell will send emails and home mailers to employees with information about the program.

Source: UW System Human Resources
Categories: Insurance