Partial Leave Earnings Displayed on Classified Earnings Statement for 1/24/13
January 23, 2013
The "Earned" and "Used/Adjusted" Columns of the 1/24/2013 Earnings Statement reflect a partial period for leave earned and used for 1/1/2013 - 1/12/2013.
Leave is earned and used based on the Calendar Year. The 1A pay period spans two calendar years, but only the 2013 earnings period can be displayed on the Earnings Statement. The earned and used amounts do not align with the pay period and may be confusing. For example, Sick Leave earned will appear as 4.5 hours (for a full-time employee) but the full 5.0 hours earned for the pay period are included in the ending balance.
The earnings and usage for 12/30-12/31 were added to 2012 ending balances for Sick Leave, Legal Holiday, and Vacation, but are not reflected in the "Earned" and "Used/Adj" Columns on this Earnings Statement.
In summary:
Source: UW Service Center
Categories: Leave