HR, Payroll and Benefits News

America Saves Week, February 25 – March 1, 2019: Set a Goal. Make a Plan. Save Automatically.
February 18, 2019

America Saves Week is your opportunity to commit—or recommit—to saving for today and for your retirement.

America Saves is a national campaign that encourages individuals and families to assess their savings and take financial action. The University of Wisconsin is promoting the America Saves Week campaign.

Go to the UW System’s America Saves Week website to register for in-person workshops and live webinars, and for other resources like videos, handy tips and information on saving and financial wellness.

The easiest and most effective way to save is automatically - the UW Tax-Sheltered Annuity (TSA) 403(b) Program can help you do this and invest for your long-term goals. If you already participate in the program, consider increasing your contributions. If you are not a TSA Program participant, sign up today. Through the TSA Program you can invest a portion of your income for retirement on either a pre-tax basis, an after-tax basis (Roth), or a combination of both.

Don’t let the prospect of having to decide how to invest your retirement money scare you off. Just participating is more important than selecting the perfect investments. If you need help understanding the investment options available in the program contact the provider(s) you choose to contribute to.

Start Small, Think Big. Remember, when you are getting started, no contribution is too small. Even if you only set aside one percent of your salary in the UW TSA 403(b) Plan, that’s an important start. You can start with only $8 per pay period if you’re paid bi-weekly or $20 per month if you are paid monthly. Over time, your contributions will add up. Even small amounts of savings can help you in the future. Save automatically in the UW TSA 403(b) Program.

Source: UW System Human Resources
Categories: Payroll