Update Your Address/Personal Information
June 4, 2019
You are strongly encouraged to review and update your Address/Personal Information. This includes your addresses, phone numbers, name, emergency contacts and disability/veteran status.
Student employees please be aware that you MUST update your address both in the UW Human Resource System (HRS) AND with your campus student information system. Instructions for updating your address in HRS are included below.
Employees who are Moving or Terminating UW Employment
It is especially important to update your information if you plan to move OR if you will terminate UW employment at the end of the semester. If you terminate employment, you will no longer have access to HRS to access documents such as your tax statements.
Why is it Important for All Employees to Update Address/Personal Information?
To Review and Update Your Address/Personal Information in HRS
Note: Updating information in the portal may not update information for your benefit plans. See instructions for changing your name or address for your benefits plans.
Pay check Direct Deposit
If you currently have direct deposit, and you will be terminating employment at the end of the semester, it is important that you do not close your bank account BEFORE your last check is direct deposited. Make sure you have received all payments from the UW before you close your account.
Review the instructions on updating your personal information or contact your human resources office.
Source: UW Service Center
Categories: Personal Information