New Summer Leave Reporting Process Implemented June 2, 2019
June 3, 2019
A new, simplified summer leave reporting process was implemented June 2 for 9-month Faculty, Academic Staff and Limited Appointees (FAASLI) who have a Summer Session or Summer Service position.
Nine-month FAASLI who are employed over the summer months are required to complete monthly summer leave reports even if no leave was taken during this time period. Failure to report leave during the summer will result in a sick leave reduction.
To access the new leave reporting process, Log into the MyUW portal. Launch the Time and Absence app and click on the new tab: Summer Appointment Leave Reporting. Note: All monthly employees will see the new tab even if they do not have a Summer Session or Summer Service position. If an employee without a summer appointment clicks on the new tab, it will simply indicate that no Summer Session/Service found. Twelve month FAASLI should continue to report all of their leave via the Request Absence tab.
Highlights of the simplified summer leave reporting process include:
Reference the tipsheet, Enter Summer Leave, for instructions on how to enter leave for the summer. If you have questions, contact your Institution Leave Administrator.
Source: UW Service Center
Categories: Leave