HR, Payroll and Benefits News

Well Wisconsin: 2019 Statistics and 2020 Program Information
May 5, 2020

UW System Employee 2019 Program Participation
In 2019, 36.7% of UW System employees (and/or their Spouse's) eligible for the Well Wisconsin Program completed a health assessment, biometric screening and well-being activity to earn their $150 incentive. Over 10,000 employees took the necessary steps to become more aware of their current health. The UW System had the highest program participation compared to all other State agencies.

Identified Health Risk in 2019 for UW System Employees
Based on the employees that completed the program, the 2019 health risk report identified weight and its biological consequences (high cholesterol and blood pressure) as the primary risk area for UW System employees. The health risk report provides aggregate data to allow StayWell to further develop well-being activities for future program years.

Program Information for 2020
Visit the UW System Well Wisconsin page for program information. Check out the well-being activity options for 2020 and start earning your $150 incentive today!

To get started, visit the StayWell portal. If you have questions about using or setting up a portal, contact the StayWell HelpLine at 1-800-821-6591, email, or download the My StayWell mobile app (search for "My StayWell" in the App Store or on Google Play).

Health information is protected by federal law and will never be shared with the WI Dept. of Employee Trust Funds, the group health insurance program or employers. Review StayWell's Privacy Statement or view this short video for additional information.

Source: UW System Human Resources
Categories: Wellness