HR, Payroll and Benefits News

Employee Well-Being Webinars
March 15, 2021

To live well, it is important to take care of yours physical, mental and emotional well-being. One way to do so is by increasing your knowledge about the various aspects of your well-being through webinars.

Below is a selection of well‐being webinars available to help keep your well-being on track! Most of the webinars require registration and last approximately 60 minutes. Visit the UW System Human Resources Well-being Webinars webpage for the registration links and to find more webinars.

Well WI Radio: Community Supported Agriculture
Vendor: WebMD/StayWell (Well Wisconsin Program Administrator)
Date and Time: Tuesday, March 23, 2021 – 12:00 pm
Description: Monthly expert interviews on various health topics with professionals around the state! Join host, Morgan Meinen, as she talks with Scott Laeser, an organic produce farmer in Southwest Wisconsin and a member of the board of directors for FairShareCSA. Scott and Morgan will discuss community supported agriculture and the concept of regenerative farming and the impact it can have on our food system, soil health, and carbon footprint.

UW Tax-Sheltered Annuity (TSA) 403(b) Program – Select, Sign Up and Save
Vendor: Fidelity (One of the TSA Program Providers)
Date and Time: Thursday, March 25, 2021 – 1:00 pm
Description: Learn how the UW Tax-Sheltered Annuity (TSA) 403(b) Program works, benefits of the TSA Program, reasons you should save for retirement, guidelines on how much to save and how to get started with the TSA Program.

Managing Your Time While Working Remotely
Vendor: Kepro (Employee Assistant Program (EAP) Administrator)
Date and Time: Wednesday, April 14, 2021 – 12:30 pm
Description: Remote work is becoming the new normal and projections are that it may continue long after COVID-19. This may present some unique time management challenges. Join this webinar to explore the unique challenges that may come with working remotely.

Savings & Spending Plan (Budget) Workshop
Vendor: UW Credit Union
Date and Time: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 – 12:00 pm
Description: A change in payroll frequency and timing may bring up questions and extra financial stress. UW Credit Union Financial Mentors will help you to answer those questions and to create a spending and saving plan that works for you. This session will also provide options to consider if you will face a temporary budget shortfall due to a change in pay dates.

Take the time to manage your well-being! Visit the UW System Human Resources Well-being Webinars webpage to get started.

You must attend webinars on your own time or consult with your supervisor for approval to attend.

Source: UW System Human Resources
Categories: Wellness