Corrected 2020 Form 1095-C Available
March 22, 2021
Due to an incorrect monthly premium amount reported on most 1095-C Forms for the lowest-cost self-only health insurance plan option, corrected 2020 Form 1095-C were issued to employees and are now available online in the MyUW portal. $30 was included on most forms; $31 is the correct amount.
A paper copy will be sent via U.S. Mail in late March to employees that have not authorized electronic receipt of their Form 1095-C.
Form 1095-C is provided to employees who were full-time, as defined by the Affordable Care Act (ACA), for all or some months of 2020. Employees should retain Form 1095-C with their tax records.
For more information regarding Form 1095-C and the ACA: Affordable Care Act. If you have questions after reviewing the available information, contact your Payroll office.
Source: UW System Human Resources
Categories: Tax