HR, Payroll and Benefits News

Employee Well-being Webinars
April 19, 2021

To live well, it is important to take care of your physical, emotional, and financial well-being. One of the ways to do that is by increasing your knowledge about various aspects of your well-being through webinars.

Below is a selection of well‐being webinars available to help keep your well-being on track! Most of the webinars require registration and last approximately 60 minutes. Visit the UW System Human Resources Well-being Webinars webpage for the registration links and to find more webinars.

Take the time to manage your well-being! Visit the UW System Human Resources Well-being Webinars web page to get started.

You must attend webinars on your own time or consult with your supervisor for approval to attend during working hours.

Source: UW System Human Resources
Categories: Wellness