HR, Payroll and Benefits News

Annual Benefits Enrollment: Health Insurance Study
September 20, 2023

The 2024 Annual Benefits Enrollment (ABE) period is Monday, September 25 through Friday, October 20, 2023. As part of ABE, a research study is being conducted to learn more about how well UW System employees understand the health insurance plan design options available to them in the State Group Health Insurance Program.

The goal of the study is to obtain information that will enhance information provided about the health insurance plan design options and features available.

If you participate in the study, you will be asked about the State Group Health Insurance Program and the health insurance plan design you are likely to enroll in for 2024. Some participants will be randomly selected to see information on how to compare the health insurance plan designs.

Who can participate in the study?
Active UW System employees eligible for the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) Benefits Package who intend to remain enrolled in or will enroll in the State Group Health Insurance Program in 2024 can participate in the study.

Am I required to participate in the study if I enroll in health insurance through the UW System?
No. Participation in the study is voluntary.

How long will the survey take?
Completing the survey will likely take you around 10 minutes. Participants in the study (up to study enrollment limits) will receive a $10 digital gift card via email to

How can I participate in the study?
To participate in the study, use the Health Insurance Study survey link. Once you start the survey you will be asked to complete a Consent to Participate in Research form which explains the study in more detail and how your answers and personal information (if you consent) will be used.

The study will close on Friday, October 20, 2023. If you choose to participate, please complete the survey before finalizing your 2024 Annual Benefits Enrollment.

Who should I contact with questions?
If you have questions after reviewing the available information, reach out to the health insurance study research team at

Additional Information:
The Health Insurance study is a research study being conducted by UW-Madison Professor Justin Sydnor, PhD in collaboration with the Department of Employee Trust Funds (ETF) with approval from UW System Administration. The answers you give in the survey will only be available to the research team led by Professor Justin Sydnor. Individual participant answers will not be shared with the UW System or with ETF. The research team will summarize findings from the study and present summary information in aggregate format only with UW System and ETF.


Source: UW System Administration and WI Department of Employee Trust Funds
Categories: Annual Benefits Enrollment (ABE)