HR, Payroll and Benefits News

University Staff: Bank or Request Payout of Unused Vacation by December 31, 2023
December 14, 2023

At the end of each calendar year, eligible University Staff employees have the opportunity to convert unused annual leave (vacation or vacation carryover) to a banked leave account, receive a cash payout, or a combination of both.

All requests to bank or receive payout must be received by December 31, 2023.

To be eligible, employees must meet the years of service requirement outlined in the vacation policies below. Employees cannot bank or receive payout for Personal and Legal holidays.

Instructions for viewing your leave balances and banking leave are available in the Banked Leave Tipsheet. Vacation and carryover balance hours eligible to be banked may be viewed beginning December 1.

Banked Leave and cash payments are processed based on the date you enter your request and when the biweekly payroll is processed.

Timesheet Entry Pay Date
December 3-16, 2023 December 28, 2023
December 17-30, 2023  January 11, 2024
December 31, 2023  January 25, 2024


How Much Can You Bank or Get Paid Out?

There is no limit to the total number of hours (balance) that can be retained in your Banked Leave account. Once vacation is banked the hours do not expire.

To assess how much you can get paid out, review UW System Administrative Policy 1210 (formerly BN 1) Vacation, Paid Leave Banks, and Vacation Cash Payouts, section 6.E.I.

When Can Banked Leave Be Used?

With your supervisor’s approval, banked leave hours may be used whenever you are allowed to use paid leave.

What If You Terminate Employment?

Unused banked leave hours will be paid to you at your wage rate at termination.


After reviewing the available information, if you have questions, reach out to your Payroll Contact.

Source: Universities of Wisconsin Office of Human Resources
Categories: Leave