An API (Application Programming Interface) is designed for integrating business transactional applications. The APIs that are described here are accessing production data from HRS and returning the data to the requesting application via a message. These are primarily designed for returning very specific data for one request at a time as needed by the application. To meet your general reporting needs and more globalized information requests, you should look to use an HRS Data Warehouse account.

Requesting Access to the HRS API

Those requiring an account to access HRS APIs will need to request this using the 'Request for API Access to HRS' form. Instructions and the form are below.

Before you request access to the HRS APIs, you should become familiar with the API Methods in order to determine which of them contain the particular data that you need to access. You should start by reading the "API Methods" section, and review the "FAQ / Documentation" section.

API Methods

The following APIs are available from HRS. The high level description is provided below. Please review the data dictionary to see more detailed information about what is available with each API.

Search Listing UW_EE_SEARCH
  • Searches for EEs in using EMPLID, Last Name, and/or First Name
  • Returns EMPLID, EMPL_RCD and Name
  • Searches for EEs in using EMPLID and EMPL_RCD
  • Returns a subset of information for the EEs DEPTID from PS_DEPT_TBL based upon their current PS_JOB row
  • Searches for EEs in using EMPLID and EMPL_RCD
  • Returns a subset of information for the EEs JOBCODE from PS_JOBCODE_TBL based upon their current PS_JOB row
  • Searches for EEs in using EMPLID and EMPL_RCD
  • Returns a subset of data for the EEs POSITION_NBR from PS_POSITION_DATA based upon their current PS_JOB row
  • Searches for EEs in using EMPLID and EMPL_RCD
  • Returns a subset of data for the EEs TL Approvers from PS_UW_TL_APPRV based upon their current rows
  • Searches for EEs in using EMPLID and EMPL_RCD
  • Returns a subset of data for the EEs Name from PS_NAMES for their current Primary Name row
  • Searches for EEs in using EMPLID and EMPL_RCD
  • Returns a subset of data for the EEs data from PS_UW_HR_JOB based upon their current PS_JOB row
  • Searches for EEs in using EMPLID and EMPL_RCD
  • Returns a subset of data for the EEs Job Data from PS_JOB based on their current row
  • Searches for EEs in using EMPLID and EMPL_RCD
  • Returns all of the data in the above APIs